Oliver Arnoldi is a writer and filmmaker with Japanese, Irish, and Italian roots.

His journalism has appeared in GQ, The Telegraph, The Tibet Post, and VICE News.

As a ghostwriter, editor, and book consultant, his work includes the memoirs of an artist and US presidential portraitist, an American mountaineer, and a #MeToo whistleblower.

His short fiction is published in The Stinging Fly, and he is working on his debut novel, which was longlisted for CRAFT’s First Chapters Contest.

As a filmmaker, his work includes THE TOWERS, a documentary short film about a little person basketball team from New York, which won the Tribeca Film Institute / ESPN Future Filmmaker Prize. It was distributed by Great Big Story and has received nearly five million views online. He is in post-production on a follow-up documentary, LAST SUPPERS. He directed ONE BAR MORE, a narrative short film that won Raindance Film Festival’s Open Shorts Night. He has co-written and co-directed two other narrative short films, WAVES and VIRTUE.

For his work, he has received fellowships from the Hemera Foundation and the Pulitzer Prizes.

Contact: arnoldi.oliver@gmail.com