Oliver Arnoldi is a writer and filmmaker from London, with Japanese, Irish, and Italian roots.

His journalism has appeared in GQ, The Telegraph, The Tibet Post, VICE News, and on HBO.

As a ghostwriter, editor, and book consultant, his work includes the memoirs of an artist and US presidential portraitist, an American mountaineer, and a #MeToo whistleblower.

His short fiction is published in The Stinging Fly, and he is working on his debut novel, which was longlisted for CRAFT’s First Chapters Contest and the Asian American Writers’ Workshop’s Margins Fellowship.

As a filmmaker, his work includes THE TOWERS, a documentary short film about a little person basketball team from New York, which won the Tribeca Film Institute / ESPN Future Filmmaker Prize. It was distributed by Great Big Story and has received nearly five million views online. He is in post-production on a follow-up documentary, LAST SUPPERS. He directed ONE BAR MORE, a narrative short film that won Raindance Film Festival’s Open Shorts Night. He has co-written and co-directed two other narrative shorts, WAVES and VIRTUE, and is developing his first narrative feature film, HAIL DAISY. The film’s screenplay is an Academy Nicholl Fellowship Quarter-Finalist, and a winner of the 2024 Golden Script Competition.

For his work, he has received fellowships from the Hemera Foundation and the Pulitzer Prizes.

He practises in the Mountains and Rivers Order of Zen Buddhism and lives in New York City.

Contact: arnoldi.oliver@gmail.com